Tree Pruning: A TLC Tree Expert Guide to Maintaining Trees for Safety and Health

As an affordable and local Boulder tree removal company, TLC Tree Expert is proud to offer an impressive and complete range of tree services. Widely known for our professionalism and expertise when meeting demand for large-scale and often difficult tree removal needs, our ISA certified arborists also provide tree pruning, stump grinding, health diagnosis & treatment, preservation management plans, fire mitigation, and more tree care specialities.

While the highly technical, yet delicate work involved with tree removal remains our specialty, the Boulder tree pruning jobs we are called out on to perform is our second most requested tree care service. Certainly no less important, and while considered less difficult than tree removal, tree pruning requires a great deal of skill to perform effectively and safely.

You might be wondering how and why you should get started, which is a common question we hear from our customers. Closely associated with the removal work we specialize in, proper pruning can be thought of  as preventative maintenance that improves the health of a tree, thus potentially eliminating the need for removal down the road. That tree might be a son or daughter of the tree that you just had removed, and now you are debating whether to have your current tree trimmed, or perhaps it is one of those trees in your yard that has been there for decades.

If you think your trees need care, the first thing to do is to get a TLC certified arborist’s opinion on how healthy your trees actually are, and if there are any recommended services that we can perform. We can then start working together with you on what sort of pruning and trimming should take place, safely and appropriately enough so as not to further damage the tree’s health and make sure it looks good once again!

In a nutshell, professional tree pruning services bring out the natural beauty of your trees and shrubs and help you preserve the strength, stature and seasonal character they add to your property.

Tree Pruning Objectives

Pruning goes a long way towards helping you achieve your dream landscape. There are essentially two objectives in pruning trees and shrubs; hazard reduction and maintenance. Hazard reduction addresses a specific danger caused by visibly defined safety issues in your trees, such as branches that may hang low enough to create dangerous sidewalk conditions for pedestrians or cars driving underneath them when they fall from the weight of leaves during storms with heavy winds. Maintenance helps preserve or improve tree health and structure, while special care is taken to encourage structural integrity which will help keep these natural beauties standing tall over our heads year after year!

Benefits of Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is an important tool for those who are looking to keep their trees in good health. Not only does it remove dead, broken or diseased branches, but also contributes to the overall appearance of your tree by removing excess foliage and providing more space for sunlight and air flow.

Tree pruning is important for both plants and people, as it helps to ensure a healthy structure. The most common type of tree pruning that you may be familiar with from your own garden or even in the neighborhood around where you live would involve cutting off branches so they don’t grow into other trees’ spaces. This procedure encourages strong branching structures while also reducing costly problems such as future structural support needs due to overgrown limbs. If this sounds beneficial but confusing, we offer consultations on how best to go about young-tree developmental/structural enhancement through our professional arborists who know what’s good for all types of landscapes!

Pruning trees for structure enhancement is one of the most important things you can do to help ensure a desirable branch architecture and structural integrity in your new plantings. So, be sure not to neglect this procedure when planting now because it will save both time and money down the road as your landscape matures.

Vista pruning increases your landscapes value and provides an excellent opportunity to create a more beautiful environment. With vista pruning, you can give the public access to nearby lakes, rivers and valleys while still providing privacy for those who want it by strategically using hedges or fences where necessary.

With the increasing and unpredictable weather conditions, safety audits are imperative in order to avoid falling limbs. Falling branches can endanger pedestrians as well as vehicles that travel beneath them. Pruning low-hanging tree branches is an important step towards ensuring a safe environment for all who pass by your property!

How its done

We start by removing tree branches that have fallen and need to be removed, those with disease or decay get cut down. We also look at the shape of the tree trunk which is important for preventing potential problems such as swaying and falling limbs. The type of tree will determine what kind of trimming we do: Deciduous trees like oak, maples, elms; Needle leaf evergreens like pines; Broadleaf evergreens like shrubs/small trees, eucalyptus, etc.

Safety, tree shape, and tree value are the most important factors. When deciding which branches need to be removed, we always consider safety first. Any branch that hangs low enough could create a hazard for people or property below. After ensuring safety is prioritized, then our arborists will look at tree shape and how it affects the appearance of your landscape. Do you want more of an upright tree with a straight trunk, or would you prefer a bushy top for example? Lastly, when considering what kind of work we should do on each individual tree, whether removal or trimming, it’s important to take into account its value. We don’t always recommend work if there isn’t much return on investment. 

In conclusion, if you would like more information on the wide range of TLC Tree Expert’s Boulder tree care services including tree pruning and tree removal for your property, contact us today at  303-506-9834.


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